About Space2

Space2 is an award winning arts and social change charity, based in inner East Leeds. We are a small organisation that punches above our weight, with co-production principles at the heart of all we do.
In 2017 we were able to move into the heart of our communities, as an anchor tenant at the newly refurbished Old Fire Station in Gipton. Our work has a community focus, regional impact and national learning.
Space2 has a passion for the arts and the social and personal outcomes it inspires. We create conditions through our projects that generate creativity and aspire to collaborate with our communities to enable us all to thrive. Art brings pleasure, a sense of fulfilment and belonging. It helps us better understand the world and can bring people together and provoke shared emotions, even compassion for others. We know it supports positive health and wellbeing, connects people and creative societies, it turns out are also the most productive. And that is why Space2 believe art is not just a basic right, but an essential building block for the future.
Our values are co-designed with our staff and communities and are reflected in our approaches, methodologies and practice. These include:
- Hope
- Creative
- Celebratory
- Community-focused
- Inclusive
- Non-judgemental
- Sustainable
- Co-production
Like many we are also aspiring to enshrine environmental sustainability increasingly in to our practice, seeking our own ‘Green Framework’ and realising the potential of the arts to tell a different story, imagining new narratives for a changed way of being and a new future.
Space2 co-design a myriad of activity, programmes and events with our communities and artists from large scale productions like Gipton the Musical and Oh I Do Like to be Beside the Seacroft, which are 18 months in the making to regular Men’s Groups and community gardens, that integrate growing; crafting; produce-making and wellbeing.
Much of our work emphasises health and wellbeing and reducing isolation. We also offer activities that support people with mental health issues and lead mental health anti-stigma campaigns across the city co-produced with young people.