Arts and wellbeing packs

Arts and wellbeing packs


During the Covid-19 pandemic we have had to adapt our community engagement practices. As part of a new project with our local communities we are designing and curating arts and wellbeing packs, full of activities and resources that aim to engage and inspire.

The packs are being delivered by our volunteers to 175 households every fortnight. The themed packs include poetry led by writer Michelle Scally Clarke; textiles led by artist Carine Brosse and postcard project led by visual artist Kevin Hickson.  Some of the themes have included Art Inspiration, Space Adventure, VE Day and Threading Tales, containing art supplies from our popular Threading Tales group.

The three artists will co-curate a digital exhibition of the work created by participants and Kevin Hickson is also asking participants to send in their sounds of lockdown. This will be mixed as a sound track to the exhibition.  Once we are all able to come together again, artists and participants will co-curate a second exhibition hosted at Space2 at The Old Fire Station. 
Jelena Zindovic who is leading the project says: “We know that many of our participants don’t have online access at home so participants can get involved offline too. We’re also delighted to have the support of East Leeds FM who will be broadcasting a workshop with the artist as each pack is released, which will connect people with the project, in addition to the guidance given out with each pack by our volunteers.” 
Funding for packs since April has been raised in partnership with the Old Fire Station and generously provided by Leeds Community Foundation Healthy Holidays and Morrel Trust Arts Council Emergency funding is supporting creation of 2275 packs to be delivered over 6 months since June 

We’d like to say a huge thank-you to all our funders.