Dive Deep
Room 700 at Leeds Central Library will be hosting the Dive Deep exhibition, curated by Leeds Beckett students and Allerton C of E Primary School students and supported by Space 2.
Space 2 have collaborated with the pupils from Allerton C of E Primary School, Leeds Beckett School of Design students and Leeds Libraries over the past six months to raise awareness and provoke discussion regarding the critical condition of our oceans, due to mass amounts of man-made pollution. Space 2's principles of co-production and collaboration allowed all participants to contribute to the debate with parity of status. Through this they have created a captivating exhibition space, with animation, soundscape and an interactive dining table.
The exhibition contains multiple metaphors regarding plastic pollution and its adverse impact on marine life, broadcasting the voice of the children to impact on the public as a whole. It also invites children and young people to make vital connections with art, creativity and pressing social issues as well as raising self-esteem and ambition through the creation of their own project. The aim is to attract as many members of the public as possible to both view the exhibition and consider the broader theme.
The exhibition will be on display from the 17th March – 17th April and entry is free.