East Sides of Cities
East Sides of Cities is a co-designed programme of research with community residents to uncover and celebrate the hidden stories of East Leeds, spotlighting the Wykebeck Valley Way as it winds its way through East Leeds out to where it joins the Aire. We will be uncovering the secret heritage and stories of local communities living beside the Wyke Beck, as it passes through wonderful green spaces to support wellbeing and connection to nature. Findings and stories will be woven into a community show performed at Leeds Playhouse, July 2022. This will embrace the rich heritage and cultural distinctiveness of East Leeds.
This project continues to build on projects such as Gipton the Musical and Oh I do Like to be beside the Seacroft, which had storylines reflecting memories and experiences of local people, told through the eyes of fictional characters. In particular, we want to capture stories of a generation whose memories will soon be lost to us and whose lives are rarely adequately or accurately represented in mainstream history.
Partners on this project include:
Michelle Scally Clarke, local poet and writer, who is shaping the narrative of the show and taking the role of narrator
Boff Whalley, songwriter and performer, will write 2 songs for the start and the end of the show to be performed by, Space2 choirs, Parklands Primary and Chapel FM
Mary Cooper, writer
Alan Lyddiard, artistic director at The Performance Ensemble
Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods
Space2 Groups – Space2Sustain, Gipton Growers, Thrive, Space2Sing, Old Fire Station Children’s Choir