Manbassador lockdown 'zine
In response to the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19 we have adapted the way we engage with our local communities, and our weekly Manbassador project with the Orion consortium has a slightly different feel, taking the form of a new lockdown ‘zine packed full of information, tips, stories and fun for the family.
The project has focussed on enlisting local businesses to help us reach more isolated men who may frequent their shops – chip shops, pharmacies, gyms, and corner shops among others. The Manbassador leaflet provides information on local groups and services so that men are aware that support is available for them.
Despite not being able to conduct our usual face-to-face support groups, we have adapted the magazine so that our Manbassadors are still able to distribute to their customers, thereby still supporting vulnerable and isolated men in LS9 and LS8. They are a great conduit for reaching out to all residents who now may be more isolated than previously and therefore at greater risk of self-harm.
Our new 'Unlocked' magazine is to inform, educate and entertain during Lockdown and while people feel that they are safer at home. Unlocked is full of useful information, ranging from the government to Leeds councillors and locals, aimed to inspire people in these strange times and provide a positive outlook. There is a focus on entertainment with games and activities to enjoy at home, as well as top tips for getting through this time.
The first, second, third and fourth edition can be found in the news section of our website.
The Manbassador Project is funded by the Suicide Prevention Fund from Leeds Community Foundation, run by the Feel Good Factor, Space2 & Zest. LS9 has one of the highest rates of male suicide in Leeds and in the country, as well as a few other Leeds postcodes.