SOLEL - Season Of Light East Leeds was a series of events with and for the community celebrating the wellbeing power of light. It started with a lantern display, beautiful light-fuelled activities and a pedal-powered outdoor film at the Old Fire Station, as part of the city’s Light Night celebrations in October.
On 18th December, we hosted a community Christmas dinner, with additional workshops and activities and the Christmas Tree Lights Switch On.
Then in March the community held a Celebration of Light event to mark the start of Spring and the end of dark winter days. The event involved craft activities and gardening - such as planting sunflowers including a local schools and community project encouraging integration with the school children and the local community.
This series of events, in partnership with East Leeds Project, seeked to create an environment of hope and light during the darkest months of the year with local people, improving mental health, creativity and tackling social isolation through a participatory arts approach.