Andy Edwards
I’m a graphic designer, artist and a recently retired Lecturer in Graphic Design. My design roots were planted in a strange mixture of social graphic activism in the early 1980s and the discipline of modernity I encountered during my first job in Switzerland. I share Space 2s mission to ‘Create Change’ through creative co-production with communities.
Over thirty years as an independent designer, I’ve tried to provide effective, adventurous design in the social, arts and non-retail sectors; sectors often marginalised by corporate design. I have expertise delivering projects in the public realm, with an emphasis on collaboration and inclusion. As a company we work with cultural and educational bodies, across most areas of graphic design: branding, wayfinding, publication design, exhibitions and public spaces.
I’ve had a strong relationship with Space 2 from its inception when it started as Space @ Bracken Edge . For many years when I worked at University we collaborated together, delivering ambitious projects tackling subjects from mental health to drug misuse. The work Space2 does has such profound impacts, seen and unseen, across our City. As a Trustee I’m proud to support the ambitions of this amazing organsiation.