Seacroft Men’s Group

Evie Godfrey

2010- now

Seacroft Men’s Group

Seacroft Men’s Group is a weekly meet up for men to chat with other men, play games, have a laugh and eat a freshly cooked meal together.

Seacroft Men’s Group started in 2010 and has a strong group of core members who come regularly. Through the years the group have done a range of activities in response to its member’s needs including day trips, sports sessions, barbeques, communal cooking, arts activities and outings, trips to watch opera and even performing in community productions at Leeds Playhouse. Buddying systems are encouraged within the group and many participants have met up and socialised outside the structured weekly workshops, reporting that this has helped reduce their isolation and impacted positively on their mental health.

Seacroft Men’s Group was the first men’s group that Space2 ran and have since ran a number of men’s groups across North and East Leeds along with our Orion partners Zest, Shantona and Feel Good Factor.