Wellbeing Scale Well Being ScaleShort Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale Here at Space 2, we aim to support your wellbeing and are required by our funders at Public Health to show the impact of our activities. It would be great if you could fill the following short form, to give us a sense of your wellbeing at present. We will then repeat one with you later to see if there are any changes. Many Thanks! Your name(Required)Which group are you interested in?(Required)Below are some statements about feelings and thoughts. Please tick the box that best describes your experience of each over the last 2 weeks. I've been feeling optimistic about the future 1. None of the time 2. Rarely 3. Some of the time 4. Often 5. All of the time I've been feeling useful 1. None of the time 2. Rarely 3. Some of the time 4. Often 5. All of the time I've been feeling relaxed 1. None of the time 2. Rarely 3. Some of the time 4. Often 5. All of the time I've been dealing with problems well 1. None of the time 2. Rarely 3. Some of the time 4. Often 5. All of the time I've been thinking clearly 1. None of the time 2. Rarely 3. Some of the time 4. Often 5. All of the time I've been feeling close to other people 1. None of the time 2. Rarely 3. Some of the time 4. Often 5. All of the time I've been able to make up my own mind about things 1. None of the time 2. Rarely 3. Some of the time 4. Often 5. All of the time Please add some detail below to help us to understand more about you and your wellbeing scores. If there are any goals you would like to reach or anything you would like support with please let us knowIf you have any questions or anything you would like to raise, please contact the person who leads the activity or paulb@space2.org.uk Space2 is registered Data Controller with the Information Commissioners Office under the Data Protection Act 1998 (Reg Number: Z8853903). We collect and use information about you in order to provide the services. We may collect information on paper, or online forms, by telephone, email or a member of our staff may collect information from you in person. We will use the information you provide in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679. Information will be accurate, where necessary kept up to date and will be kept for no longer than necessary, in line with our retention policy. We will not share information about you with third parties unless required by law. We may also wish to use photographs, films or case studies of you in conjunction with the Orion partnership Better Together, Healthy communities, healthy lives publicity and evaluation. Please tick the relevant boxes if you agree to being used for this purpose. CAPTCHA Δ